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1. 買樓自由行(上)|(中)|(下)|(未完)
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回覆刪除Attached below please find my email to the Transport and Housing Bureau in support of the articles by Lucent Ng!!!
回覆刪除"Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: The use of gross floor area (建築面積) is misleading and unnecessary!
I fully support the government’s effort to regulate the sale of first-hand residential properties in Hong Kong. The use of gross floor areas (建築面積) by property developers is highly misleading and is greatly to the advantage of the developers only. Some argue that many ordinary buyers are used to understand the gross floor areas, and therefore it should continue to be used, perhaps together with the use of saleable area (實用面積). But you see that in Hong Kong in the past we had successfully converted from using the Fahrenheit to the Celsius scale, or the British to the Metric system of measurement. We don’t use both measurement systems simultaneously nowadays!!! To me, gross floor area has no meaning at all. In fact, when I bought properties in the past, I always need to convert the gross floor area back to the saleable area before making the purchasing!!! You can see that when we buy all other commodities, such as simple as a shirt, we use the actual measurement of the shirt only, and who would be so stupid as to need the gross size (even if it is available!) of the shirt as well!
About the tricks used by developers in their selling of new flats, I would strongly recommend your staff to read the attached articles by Lucent Ng “買樓自由行(上、中、下、未完)” published in AM730 today and in the last several days http://www.am730.com.hk/article.php?article=85589&d=1645.
To be honest, I do not know Lucent personally, but I think he was writing sincerely for the benefit of the ordinary public and so I am making reference to his articles in my email to you. Best,
TAM (address and full name deleted)